
$275 and $400 per set

Our buckstitched chaps are exactly what every working cowboy and cowgirl wants and needs. These chaps are completely customizable. We are offering only step-ins at the moment but may consider offering full zips in the future. All chaps we put together are completely buckstitched from the bottom up. We do not use a sewing machine on our projects. We keep our hardworking cowboys and cowgirls in mind with every set we stitch. Because each set is custom, the price ranges between $400 and $500 per set. Some options to consider when customizing your chaps are: one or two front leg pockets, conchos, fringe, yoke/fringe/bell color, chap color, front or back waist buckle, length, width, bell size, leather weight, and custom livestock brand stitched onto the bell or yokes. There are so many options when ordering chaps and we will do our best to perfect them for you!

To purchase an item listed on this page, please call 802-490-4995  or fill out the order form and we will happily assist you.